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Super Slow High Intensity Training: Is 15 minutes of Strength Training A Week Enough?

If I told you that you could boost your metabolism, reduce body fat levels, increase strength, increase longevity, improve fitness oh and look darn good naked – all by doing 15minutes of exercise in a week, would you believe me?

No? Well you should.

This isn’t a sales pitch for a...

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Five Foods You Need To Eat To Grow Muscle Naturally

We all have our favorite muscle building training program. Or perhaps it’s our go-to supplement stack for assisting with our bulking phase.  But what about our diet and the food we eat to grow? Simply consuming calories to excess should lead to growth (albeit muscle and fat), however,...

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Mike Mahler's Aggressive Strength Testosterone Booster Review

Testosterone Booster Review Mike Mahler Estrogen Control and Testosterone Booster

Looking to increase your Testosterone levels? Worried about the negative effects of high estrogen? Don't want to go down the Hormone replacement path but all the natural 'fixes' and testosterone boosters either seem to good to be true or don't seem to work right?

I know how tough and...

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