Blog Articles

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The Fascinating Healing Properties of Red Light Therapy: Rapid Healing, Reduce Wrinkles & Rejuvenate Health

If you have been reading my blog for a while, you’ve heard me talk about how sunlight is essential for optimal health. In this article, you will learn how a certain wavelength of light—red light—can have additional benefits of its own, improving health, beauty and overall...

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How To Easily Measure Your Heart Rate Variability

Everyones’ looking for an edge in life. More energy, faster recovery, improved immune function, higher performance.

One the most important ways to improve these things is to measure progress. Track what you’re doing and see what works… and of course what doesn’t.


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What You Need To Know About Supplements

Love them or hate them, supplements are a big deal especially when it comes to business. The supplement industry was worth over US$100 Billion in the year 2013. Thats a lot of pills, powders and potions! 

I'm often asked by clients on The Program if they need to take...

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How To Choose A Toxin Free Healthy Mattress

You eat organic food, get adequate sunlight and live a stress free life... You may even prioritise your sleep. All this in the name of health.

But are you undoing all this hard work every night? 

Sleep is important time for the body. Not only are we in a vulnerable state, but it's a time for...

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18 Reasons Why You Need To Use A Sauna

You've heard me talk about the benefits of cold exposure on our health and waist line, but what about the heat?

Saunas have been used around the world for centuries and their use is spreading with the rising popularity of infrared saunas and health centres.

In this article I look at the...

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Why You Need To Learn About Leptin If You Are Overweight

Are you trying to lose weight? Or keep weight off?

You've tried exercising more and eating less right? You've tried other fad 'quick fix' diets?

But they don't work do they?

Sure these are short term fixes, but they're not long term solutions to a leaner slimmer healthier body.

I have a saying...

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19 Reasons Why You Need To Supplement With Creatine

Creatine is one of the most researched supplements in the world. Primarily used by athletes, science is starting to discover more and more benefits to this naturally occurring compound.

Below I reveal what these key benefits are, and why you should start supplementing with creatine if you're not...

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Healthy Breakfast Ideas That Will Keep Your Coach Happy

Cleaning up your diet can be tough when it comes to breakfast choices. Many of my coaching program clients love learning that saturated fat shouldn't be avoided and commercial breakfast cereals aren't an ideal meal choice.

The first go to breakfast option for someone switching to a higher fat,...

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Are You Being Exposed To Dangerous Flame Retardants?

You eat a healthy diet, you exercise, get adequate sunlight and prioritise your sleep. You live a healthy life… or so you think. Despite your best intentions, you live in a world full of a harmful man-made toxins. It’s in your mattress, the air you breath, your car, the curtains,...

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Important: Why You Need To Measure Your Body Temperature

In this article I will show you why you should be measuring your body temperature every day.

I will cover the best ways to measure your temperature (including a neat wearable that tracks your body temperature around the clock). And most importantly, what the numbers mean for you and your...

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