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Bad Night's Sleep? 10 Effective Tips To Overcome Sleep Deprivation

There is nothing worse than a bad night's sleep. Waking up feeling groggy, with heavy eyes, a dull headache, and a brain that doesn't seem to work. We have all experienced it at some point in our life - sleep deprivation is horrible.

So what can you do when you have had a night of tossing...

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The Importance Of Feedback For Improving Sleep, Health & Performance

I often get asked - why do I spend so much time, energy and money on tracking my body.

Why do I track my body temperature? My heart rate variability? My sleep? My body fat?

Why track all of these things? And why spend so much money on gadgets and apps to help track these things?

Here's my answer...

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Everything You Need To Know About Red Light Therapy

Do you have a question about red light therapy (RLT), photobiomodulation (PBM) or low-level laser therapy (LLLT)? (They are all the same thing.)

Well, this article is for you. I have spent weeks researching the literature on red light therapy and have created this comprehensive guide to answer...

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My Intense Experience Taking Qualia - 2018 Qualia Nootropic Review


Smart drug, brain supplement, cognitive enhancer, nootropic, the God pill.. whatever you want to label it Qualia definitely is unique.

Unique in that people across the world are raving about the profound benefits they are experiencing as a result of this supplement.

But is this hype behind Qualia...

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Neuro-Mass Modified: How This Intense 20 Minute Workout Is All You Need For Size, Strength & Health


If you're looking for a time efficient quick workout that is scientifically and anecdotally proven to build size and strength and help with conditioning, then I have the perfect solution!

It's a 20minute full body (extremely intense) workout that you only need to do once a week. I know it sounds...

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The Fascinating Healing Properties of Red Light Therapy: Rapid Healing, Reduce Wrinkles & Rejuvenate Health

If you have been reading my blog for a while, you’ve heard me talk about how sunlight is essential for optimal health. In this article, you will learn how a certain wavelength of light—red light—can have additional benefits of its own, improving health, beauty and overall...

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How To Easily Measure Your Heart Rate Variability

Everyones’ looking for an edge in life. More energy, faster recovery, improved immune function, higher performance.

One the most important ways to improve these things is to measure progress. Track what you’re doing and see what works… and of course what doesn’t.


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What You Need To Know About Supplements

Love them or hate them, supplements are a big deal especially when it comes to business. The supplement industry was worth over US$100 Billion in the year 2013. Thats a lot of pills, powders and potions! 

I'm often asked by clients on The Program if they need to take...

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Everything You Need to Know About Creatine

Do you have a question about creatine? I have spent weeks researching the literature on the creatine and have created this comprehensive guide to answer every question you may have about creatine.

Everything from how much creatine to take, to whether it's safe, and what type is the best is...

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19 Reasons Why You Need To Supplement With Creatine

Creatine is one of the most researched supplements in the world. Primarily used by athletes, science is starting to discover more and more benefits to this naturally occurring compound.

Below I reveal what these key benefits are, and why you should start supplementing with creatine if you're not...

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