Awaken Gold Nootropic Review: Awesome Well-Being And Quantifiable Cognitive Performance Benefits

There we go: yet another nootropic stack! Awaken Gold is the one I'm reviewing this!

I already hear you thinking: "Nootropic stack?" 

"What's that?"

Well, a "nootropic" is a Greek word for "mind-supporting" compound. "Stack" denotes the fact that such supplements include several different ingredients to achieve that effect.

Awaken Gold is thus such a supplement...

In previous blog posts, I've extensively talked about how I think that so-called "nootropic stacks" are going to change education and work environments. The reason is that such products have very big upsides to your cognitive performance without much if any downsides.

As most people get paid for using their brain and their pay directly depends on that brain functioning well, improving brain function is highly lucrative. The better your brain works, the higher your income becomes in today's work environment.

So should you load up on nootropics? Maybe not because such nootropic stacks are costly. Awaken Gold sets you back about $100 for a bottle and $85 with a subscription. One bottle lasts about two months though if you only use the supplements on working days.

So the next question is: "should YOU?"

Let's find out:


Awaken Gold Nootropic Review Summary


  • Well-balanced list of ingredients that have good scientific backing.
  • Some ingredients, such as "noopept", that are not regularly included in nootropic stacks. Good creativity went into the formula which I really like.
  • Not the most expensive nootropic stack, as one bottle ($85-100) contains 45 doses which is double that of some competitors. 


  • Contains non-caffeine stimulants (which can also be positive).
  • No caffeine included (which leaves the choice to add caffeine up to you).
  • Dosing could be higher for some ingredients.

Conclusion: Awaken Gold Is One Of The Best Nootropic Stacks Out There


 I've divided this blog post into several sections, all of which can be read on their own:

Table Of Contents:

  1. My experience taking Awaken Gold, where I've also tried to quantify my results with cognitive testing
  2. A scientific review of all the ingredients in Awaken Gold
  3. Comparing Awaken Gold to other nootropic stack offerings on the market today
  4. My conclusion


Awaken Gold Nooptropic Review: Awesome Well-Being And Quantifiable Cognitive Performance Benefits

The Awaken Gold bottle looks great which immediately gives the impression that the producing company, Awakened Alchemy, has put lots of time into development. But in today's world, shiny bottles and hype marketing rarely live up to their claim.

So let's, therefore, begin with my (quantified) experience with this product:


My Experience Of Awaken Gold:

I've divided my experience with Awaken Gold into two domains:

The reason for that distinction is that you'd want to take both personal experiences as well as independent data into account.

So, for instance, you may feel on top of the world when taking a supplement that purports to enhance your brain's performance -- but if you don't actually perform better it's no good. Alternatively, you may feel like crap even though you're performing better.

Both outcomes aren't the best as you want both your well-being as well as your cognitive performance to go up, ideally. 

So let's find out what happened:


A. Measurement Of Cognitive Performance

Let's first take a step back and describe how I measured my cognitive performance. So let's begin at the beginning:

I've frequently used a program called "i3 Mindware" to train and test my cognitive performance over the years. That i3 Mindware software is specifically targeted towards a brain training game called "dual-n-back".

During dual-n-back, you have to memorize 1) locations; 2) numbers; 3) sounds a few steps backward.

The "n" in dual-n-back stands for "number". So if you're playing 3-back, then you have to memorize the locations, numbers, and sounds 3 steps backward.

The game looks like this:

Notice that in the bottom, the green dot is emphasized as well as the "A" which denotes sound. So in this game, you need to focus on the green location and sound matches and ignore the numbers and yellow dot location.

Also, the logic symbol at the top shows the "=" sign, meaning that both location and sound must match at the same time.


In this case, if the green dot is in the left corner and I hear the letter "F" in my ear, and 2 steps forward the green dot is in the left corner again and I also hear an "F" in my ear, I push both the button on my laptop.

Incorrect pushing of buttons even though the location, numbers, or sounds don't match, is penalized though.

The end result is that you have to think several steps backward with dual-n-back. If you want an example of a 2-back game then look at the sequence below:


During my testing of Awaken Gold, I also played the game on some difficulty settings such as double speed (which demands more processing speed in your brain) and interference (sometimes making it look like there's a match even though there's a very slight difference).

Sounds complicated?

Let me simplify.

We'll move straight to the outcome:

I've used dual-n-back training for several days and added a red circle around the times I used Awaken Gold:

As you can see, on a couple of days my n-back scores were slightly higher when using Awaken Gold.

With Awaken Gold, I scored an average of 3.3-back. Without Awaken Gold, I scored an average of 3.15. That's an instant 5% difference in performance!

How do I know?

Let's explore my reasoning in some more detail:


On days I used Awaken Gold, I ingested the supplement first thing in the morning on an empty stomach. About 60-90 minutes later I carried out the dual-n-back test.

There are some limitations to this methodology though:

  • There was no blinding of the user (me) so the experiment was not placebo-controlled. Fortunately, the computer program assessed my capabilities so no bias could be introduced there (such as raters who really want to find a statistically significant difference between intervention and control).
  • I hadn't used dual-n-back training for quite a while. Back in late 2017 and early 2018, I reached up to 6-7 back on higher difficulty settings (so it's not the regular n-back). Hence, I quickly made progress in my n-back training and I would have continued that progress if I'd had included more sessions.
  • I did alternate between several sessions with Awaken Gold and without the supplement, to exclude the learning effect. Observe that my n-back scores quickly increased after my few sessions, a trend that I expect to continue if I hadn't quit after 8 sessions. Alternating between periods with and without the nootropic stack is the best way to avoid that learning effect. Why does that matter? Well, simply put, the more frequently you take a cognitive test, the better you get at it.
  • One limitation is that I could have used more n-back sessions to increase reliability. With 16 sessions a stronger or weaker effect may have been found. 


You may also think: "why n-back training?"


N-back training is currently the gold standard of IQ improvement methodologies (96; 97; 98). The reason is that you train several dimensions of IQ, such as "working memory", "processing speed", "fluid intelligence", etcetra, all may improve.

I say "may" because improvements in I.Q. are still met with strong skepticism in the scientific community. I personally do think such improvements are possible in the same way that changes in brain structure after adulthood were met with skepticism in the past.

(Keep in mind that some scientists also think "IQ" is invalid as a scientific construct (99).)


Implications Of The Outcome

Again, overall, my cognitive performance was about 5% higher with Awaken Gold.

Keep in mind that those performance increases are instant -- I didn't need any training or effort to reap those benefits.

So is a 5% increase in performance worth it? You bet! 

Please remember that most people who have cognitively demanding jobs or education are not having a very easy time:

  • If you're managing a team of programmers then you probably have some issues that are on your mind 24-7.
  • If you're an engineer then there's probably a challenging problem that you really want to tackle.
  • If you're in college then you're probably not a straight-A student.

And so forth...

The better your brain works, the better you'll perform under pressure. And if you're not under pressure, a better working brain still helps you get more stuff done in almost any way.

So almost anyone can benefit from increased cognitive performance almost regardless of background. 

Now that I've claimed that a 5% boost in performance is significant and important, let's consider my personal experience with Awaken Gold:


B. Personal Experience

Awaken Gold feels very different than most nootropics out there. I tend to choose nootropics that are low on stimulants because I'm already a type-A personality. Anything that ramps me up even further doesn't actually improve my cognitive performance most of the time -- such as coffee.

Now, as you'll be able to read the science review of the ingredients in Awaken Gold, you will see that this stack contains ingredients that can be deemed either outright a stimulant or very stimulating.

The "Beta Phenylethylamine HCL" comes to mind -- that ingredient made me feel somewhat amped up. That ingredient isn't included in other nootropic stacks either, such as Qualia Mind or Mindlab Pro.

(Noopept may also be responsible for that "amped-up" jittery feeling.)

Fortunately, other ingredients in Awaken Gold, such as "theanine" or "ashwagandha"  took the sharp edges off the stimulating effect.

So let's consider the overall effects I experienced:

  • I did experience an increase in cognitive performance. Of course, I've measured that increase but my personal experience accords to that conclusion. I do feel a bit in a "tunnel vision" when I'm using Awaken Gold. That feeling reminds me a bit of Modafinil (different versions) to be honest. The huge upside is that Awaken Gold doesn't inhibit my sleep at night, unlike Modafinil.
  • A slight mood and wellbeing boost. Many of the ingredients in Awaken Gold accord very well to my physiology, such as theanine and ashwagandha. The end result is a good boost in mood and slight euphoria.
  • Slight withdrawal symptoms if you stop taking Awaken Gold. I get this effect with almost any nootropic: if I no longer use it, then for a day I feel slightly less elevated and good. It's as if the dopamine system in my brain needs to re-adjust, in the same way it would if you're quitting coffee. "Withdrawal" only takes one day though.
  • The stack is less subtle than other offerings on the market. I can really feel that I'm using this product. With other products, such as Mindlab Pro and Plato that feeling is far less profound. Of course, the overt effects are not necessarily a benefit -- coffee has very overt effects as well but that doesn't mean it's always great for performance (especially long-term).

The bottom line? Awaken Gold is very much worth it in my opinion.

Of course, always observe how you respond to any nootropic stack. Everyone's biology works somewhat differently, so no one-size-fits-all recommendations can be given in that regard.

Tired of hearing about my personal experience? Want to dive deeper into some hardcore science? Let's go:



Awaken Gold Ingredients Review

In this section I've reviewed all 11 ingredients in Awaken Gold from the perspective of the currently published medical literature:


A. Vitamin B12 (Methylcobalamin), 500 micrograms (8,300% of the Daily Recommended Allowance (RDA).

Vitamin B12, nothing special, and yet, highly essential.

If you're deficient in this vitamin your brain will certainly not perform the way it should. And yet, not that many people are B12 deficient if you're eating a high-quality diet. In the third world or in elderly people the percentages are much higher though (1; 2; 3).

Hence, B12 in this stack is more of an insurance policy...

Some effects of vitamin B12 deficiency are an inability of red blood cells to carry oxygen throughout your body, overall nervous system health, and optimal functioning of the "methylation pathways" -- the single-carbon metabolism of your body (4; 5; 6; 7; 8; 9).

Methylation has all kinds of roles in the body, ranging from cognitive performance to liver detoxification and emotional well-being.

The dosage used for this vitamin is great.

Takeaway: vitamin B12 is a prerequisite for basic energy metabolism and nervous system functioning. 


B. Beta Phenylethylamine HCL, 400 milligrams (mg).

β-phenylethylamine, or "PEA" in short, has been used as a natural alternative to amphetamine or methylphenidate (Ritalin, a prescription drug) (10; 11).

The choice of including this compound in Awaken Gold is very interesting and shows me that the creators of this project are not simply regurgitating ingredients that have already been included by other nootropic stack producers. 

Let's look at some of its effects:

  • PEA is interesting because it acts as a stimulant in the same way that caffeine does but without the detriment of caffeine (12; 13; 14; 15).

    The interesting part is that I don't experience any caffeine-like reductions in deep sleep from taking PEA. Due to my slow metabolization of caffeine, even drinking coffee first thing in the morning affects my sleep at night. The same is not true for PEA so it's a safer stimulant for me.

  • PEA influences neurotransmitter function such as "adrenaline" and "dopamine" (16; 17). No high-quality research exists with regards to this domain though.

    What is obvious from personal experience is that Awaken Gold has a very subtle mood-boosting effect. Increases in adrenaline (making you more wakeful) and dopamine (aiding impulse control, abstract thought, creativity, and imagination) may lay at the basis of that process.

    Due to the effect on serotonin, this compound may also help you feel happier overall. 

    Additionally, I also suspect PEA to be responsible for the "jittery" tunnel-vision feeling I get when taking Awaken Gold.


The dosage of PEA is good -- perhaps even on the high side! Normal PEA dosages are 100 - 500 milligrams daily, depending on tolerance and body weight. 400 milligrams as a standard dose is thus quite high!

Anecdotally, however, I've also seen people experiment with 1,000 milligrams (1 gram) doses online without much if any adverse side effects. Of course, the 1 gram dosage is for experienced users so 400 milligrams is quite a high starting dose.

Takeaway: β-phenylethylamine, or "PEA", can be a mood booster because of its stimulative properties. I do wonder how many people feel jittery taking this compound.


C. CDP Choline (Citicoline), 250 mg.

CDP choline, citicoline, or "cytidine-5-di-phosphocholine", are all names for the same compound. 

CDP choline is a form of "choline" which is a precursor for the "acetylcholine" neurotransmitter (or brain-signaling compound). Acetylcholine is involved with focus, memory, and relaxation, for instance (18; 19; 20).

Choline is also an essential nutrient and its frequently considered a B-vitamin. Many people are also deficient in choline or have inadequate intake (21; 22).

Let's look at some of the effects of taking citicoline:

  • Quicker reaction times and processing speed (23; 24; 25). Processing speed - the speed by which your brain works - is one of the most important determinants of your overall IQ. Simply put, the quicker your brain works, the more tasks you can perform in any given period of time.

    Using citicoline can increase processing speed and probably only does so because you're resolving a choline deficiency. The biggest benefits are experienced when your overall processing speed is already slow to begin with. In naturally quick performers citicoline can actually have adverse effects sometimes.

    Impulsivity and attention can also improve when taking citicoline.

  • Neuroprotective effects - thus protecting the integrity of nervous system cells (26; 27). If you've got a condition such as Alzheimer's, for instance, citicoline may improve your brain function.

    There's less info on whether citicoline protects brain cells if you're young.

  • Increased energy production in different brain areas (28; 29; 30). This effect is really interesting as citicoline seems to increase activity in the "prefrontal cortex" -- the brain area involved in reasoning and impulse control.

    Even if you're addicted to drugs, citicoline can decrease the intensity of cravings and give you greater self-control, for instance. The reason for that finding is that your brain may be able to increase energy production in that prefrontal cortex, leading to greater activation.

  • Lower risk for mental disorders and mood improvement (31; 32; 33). Even if you're addicted to a drug such as alcohol, citicoline consumption leads to mood improvements and a lower risk for depression.

  • Improved memory (23; 34; 3536; 37; 38). Guess what? With an improperly functioning acetylcholine system, your brain is literally at risk for neuropsychiatric diseases and improper memory formation.

    Citicoline may improve your ability to store memories over time and access them at a later date - so it's got high nootropic potential.

The inclusion of citicoline can very well be justified. The dosage is very good as well.

Takeaway: citicoline supports the acetylcholine system of the human brain, and aids in memory formation and access, impulse control, and processing speed of your brain.


D. KSM-66 Ashwagandha Extract (Standardize to 5% Withanolides), 200 mg.

Ashwagandha is generally used because it de-stresses you and promotes relaxation.

So here's where you know that the Awaken Gold nootropic stack is very well put together: 

Ingredients that counterbalance stimulants such as PEA that was listed earlier are also included. Just like experiencing caffeine is totally different if you take it together with other compounds such as theanine (more on that one in a second), the same is also true for other stimulations.

In other words, ashwagandha takes the edge off some of the other more stimulating (noopept, PEA) ingredients in this stack.

So let's consider why to take ashwagandha in the first place:

  • Lowers stress (39; 40; 41; 42). What's extremely interesting is that many high-quality studies have investigated ashwagandha for a few years and the results are almost unanimously positive. 

    Ashwagandha has great benefits for lowering your overall stress and anxiety levels. Specifically levels of stress hormones such as "cortisol" literally go down. Many people don't realize that stress does not help you perform better--stress almost always lowers creativity, impulse control, your ability for abstract thought, and so forth...

    Even hormones that are traditionally related to relaxation, such as "DHEA" and "testosterone", may increase in their levels.

  • May aid memory (43; 44; 45; 46). Unfortunately, this effect has best been demonstrated in people who already have impaired memory: people with dementia or mild cognitive impairment.

    Whether benefits extend to young health and middle-aged people still needs to be demonstrated. 

  • Possibly decreases impulsivity and the risk for brain disease (47; 48; 49). Once again, very little (high-quality) research is available.

    If you've got "Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder" (OCD) or "Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder" (ADHD) then you may benefit even more from ashwagandha.

    In several other brain-related conditions, ashwagandha has also shown benefit -- although I won't go into full detail there.


The 200-milligram level is at the low side of the range I would recommend. I've seen doses of up to 1,500 milligrams being used with great effects.

Moreover, the choice for the KSM-66 standardized extract is very nice though.

Takeaway: including ashwagandha, especially the standarized extract, is a great choice. The dose could have been somewhat higher though.


E. Theanine, 150 mg.

Another "relaxant": theanine.

The purpose of this compound is to take off the "sharp edges" of other compounds like PEA. Theanine is well-known for its effects on damping the jittery and anxious effect you can get when taking caffeine (50; 51; 52).

Nonetheless, theanine also has a couple of independent effects:

  • Increases relaxation by influencing the "GABA" system in your brain (53; 54; 55). GABA is the brain signaling compound or "neurotransmitter" involved with relaxation. 

    As a result, theanine may improve sleep quality and duration if it's taken at night. The compound also lowers your anxiety levels and helps you relax.

  • These stress-lowering effects of theanine are actually well-studied (56). As a result, theanine has nootropic effects in that verbal fluency and executive function improve, for instance.

    Executive function includes abilities such as impulse control, working memory (the ability to keep several pieces of information in your mind), attention, and the flexibility of your mind.

The 150-milligram dose is on the low side although valid: I would have liked a 200-milligram dosage which is used in many studies.

Takeaway: great ingredient for anti-stress and relaxation purposes but slightly underdosed. Executive function is also supported with theanine.


F. N-Acetyl-Tyrosine, 150mg.

Tyrosine is an important "amino acid". Amino acids are building blocks of proteins and your body needs them in a balanced fashion to perform at its best.

If you've got specific amino acid imbalances then your brain won't perform optimally. A deficiency in "tyrosine", for instance, leads to an inability to create brain signaling compounds such as "dopamine". 

Remember that you need dopamine for abstract thought, impulse control, creativity, and more. 

Hence, a poor diet can really impede your ability to feel and perform well. 

N-Acetyl-L-Tyrosine, or "NALT" in short, can increase your brain's performance in several situations -- although in some people (mainly the elderly) cognitive performance deteriorates instead of improves (57; 58; 59).

The upside is that NALT does have some proven benefits, such as your reactivity to changes in the environment, cognitive control, and memory (60; 61)

Takeaway: N-Acetyl-L-Tyrosine can support dopamine function in your brain which may boost several domains of cognitive performance.


G. Uridine 5' Monophosphate 150 mg.

Another compound that supports dopamine function: "Uridine 5' Monophosphate" (U5M). The benefit of this form of uridine is that it is more bioavailable than the regular form found in your food.

Although only tested in animal studies, U5M does improve the functioning of several neurotransmitters such as dopamine and acetylcholine (62; 63; 64). The end result is enhanced mood and brain performance (e.g. memory, reasoning ability, etcetera).

Other benefits may include improvements in "neuroplasticity" - the ability of your brain to change over time. In the past, it was always believed that the human brain is static and that it doesn't change over time. Now it has become clear that you can always restructure your brain, even into old age.

The dosage of 150 milligrams is great.

Takeaway: Uridine 5' Monophosphate can improve neurotransmitter function and neuroplasticity (the restructuring of your brain over time).


H. Phosphatidylserine 20%, 100 mg.

Another one of my favorite compounds: phosphatidylserine. My reason for liking this compound is because it also has stress-lowering effects.

Let's explore how phosphatidylserine:

  • reduces "cortisol" - a stress hormone - which is responsible for lowering your overall stress levels (65; 66; 67).

    As a result, you'll feel less stress and you'll be in a better mood.

  • consequently, your overall brain performance also increases. Working memory improves for instance. Working memory is your brain's ability to keep several pieces of information in the back of its mind.

  • may increase energy production (in the brain) (68; 69). More high-quality research is needed here though...

  • can boost your overall mood (70; 71; 72). The likelihood of depression may be lowered by taking phosphatidylserine, for instance.

  • improves cognitive functioning (73; 74; 75; 76; 77). Those effects are only demonstrated in animal studies and diseased populations as of now, however. 

Other effects on neurotransmitters and antioxidant status (which can reduce brain aging), as well as keeping nerve cells in your body healthy, also exist.

Now here's where Awaken Gold fails somewhat: the phosphatidylserine dosage is only 100 mg but studies frequently use doses of up to 800 milligrams in one sitting. In that regard, this ingredient is thus underdosed.

If you ingest animal foods on a consistent basis, especially organ meats and fatty fish, then you'll already ingest hundreds of milligrams of this compound on a daily basis. 100 milligrams will thus not have a huge effect.

Takeaway: great ingredient that has a wide array of mental and cognitive benefits. The only downside is that it's underdosed.


I. Noopept, 20 mg.

Noopept: I still remember ordering this ingredient online and receiving a sachet of white powder with a small scoop for microdosing this nootropic.

The problem? You only need very tiny dosages of noopept to get a great effect. The upside, however, is that you get a lot of bang for your buck.

One huge advantage of noopept is that it increases "Brain-Derived Nootropic Factor" (BDNF) in your brain (78; 79; 80; 81) BDNF helps you build new brain cells over time as well as being protective for current brain cells

Noopept may also enhance memory (82; 83; 84) and is neuroprotective - although only demonstrated in animal studies once again (85; 86; 87; 88).

Anxiety-countering effects have also been found.

Dosing? Great, even a bit on the high side as 10 milligrams is a regular human dose for noopept. However, as doses up to 30 milligrams don't produce adverse effects Awaken Gold is doing great here.

Takeaway: great compound for brain health, memory, and other domains of cognitive performance. Dosed perfectly.


J. PQQ (Pyrroloquinoline Quinone Disodium Salt), 10 mg

Pyrroloquinoline Quinone or "PQQ" is a compound that's really different than anything else included in this stack.

PQQ creates an effect called "mitochondrial biogenesis" -- in plain English that means "the creation of new mitochondria". Mitochondria are the energy-producing factories of your cells and by creating more of them you'll thus have more energy (89; 90; 91; 92). 

Many people taking PQQ state that they feel more clear-headed and get a very natural boost in their cognitive performance.

Additionally, PQQ is another compound in the Awaken Gold stack that's neuroprotective (93; 94; 95). Even if you've got a traumatic brain injury, PQQ may help you recover quicker, for instance. The reason for that outcome is that PQQ may act as an "antioxidant" - a compound that fights potentially damaging "free radicals" which are created as a byproduct of energy production.

The 10-milligram dose is good.

Takeaway: PQQ does have indirect cognitive performance benefits os its inclusion is warranted. 


K. Bioperine (Black Pepper (Piper Nigrum) Fruit Extract), 5 mg

"Bioperine", a compound found in black pepper, is a great addition to many stacks because it increases the potency of many ingredients found therein.

The most famous instance is adding Bioperine to turmeric which increases absorption of its active ingredients with more than 1,000%.

However, except for ashwagandha, there aren't any compounds which I suspect increase their effectiveness based upon Bioperine. If the creators of Awaken Gold read this review I would be very interested in learning about that mechanism!


That's it - a review of all the ingredients found in Awaken Gold. Next up is to compare this nootropic stack to other offerings on the market:


Comparing Awaken Gold To Other Nootropic Stacks

Fortunately, I've tried many nootropic stacks to this very day. I can therefore easily compare the effects of many of these products.


Awaken Gold Versus Qualia Mind

Qualia Mind still remains my most-favored nootropic stack of all time.

For me, personally, Qualia Mind has huge mood-boosting effects. The product also significantly aids my overall cognitive performance.

Awaken Gold compares reasonably well for me because it also gives me a mood boost and a good uptick in cognitive performance.

I will tell you this: Awaken Gold is the product that most closely approximates Qualia Mind in terms of comprehensiveness and uniqueness of the ingredients. 

Having said that, let's compare price:

For convenience sake, I'm considering the full retail price here, without subscription or affiliate discounts and not including shipping.

Qualia Mind is priced at $139 for 22 servings. Awaken Gold is priced at $99 for 45 servings. For Qualia Mind that's $6.3 per serving and for Awaken Gold that's $2.2 per serving. That's an almost 3-fold difference in price.

Whether that price is justified depends on your circumstances in life, in my opinion. If you've got a great income and you rely on your brain for your income then Qualia Mind is still a no-brainer.

But if you're a student who wants an edge once in a while during a presentation or test, then Awaken Gold is the way to go.


Awaken Gold Versus Mindlab Pro

Mindlab Pro is a personal favorite of mine specifically because it doesn't contain any stimulants and yet, still boosts my cognitive performance.

The price per serving of Awaken Gold ($2.2) and Mindlab Pro ($2.1), without shipping or potential discounts, is roughly equal. 

I must admit that this decision is difficult for me. The ingredient quality and quantity is also very similar in both products, so it's impossible to differentiate that way.

Right now, it's a draw for me between these two products -- both have their advantages and disadvantages.


Awaken Gold Versus Plato

These two products are very hard to compare. Plato is a very minimalist supplement of 4 ingredients that is very safe and non-stimulating.

Awaken Gold tries to improve cognitive performance through many different angles and is quite stimulating (although not too much).

The price point of Awaken Gold per serving ($2.2) and Plato ($1.5), again, without including shipping or possible discounts, are somewhat similar.

And if I had to choose between the two I would choose Awaken Gold within a heartbeat. Even though this may be my personal opinion, I do feel that I get a lot more bang for my buck with Awaken Gold than I do with Plato. 



Finishing Thoughts: Awaken Gold Has Become One Of My Favorite Products

I'm very excited to see so many new nootropic stacks entering the market these days.

The biggest winner of that trend? You, the customer! 

Over time prices will come down while quality will go up. Hopefully, in 5 years' time, you can buy nootropic stacks such as Awaken Gold like you can buy energy drink from a vending machine today.

Because why not supply your brain with the best ingredients for performance?

Well, there's one huge caveat that I always bring up in my blog post about supplements. Supplements are just that: supplements. If you're living in a toxic environment with tons of low-quality air, or you never see the morning sun, or you're exposed to all types of toxins indoor, then it's almost certainly best to fix that issue first.

You cannot out-supplement a poor diet, lifestyle or environment. So please don't see nootropic stacks such as Awaken Gold as a magic pill -- even though technically can be! 


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This is a post by Bart Wolbers. Bart finished degrees in Physical Therapy (B), Philosophy (BA and MA), Philosophy of Science and Technology (MS - Cum Laude), and Clinical Health Science (MS), and is currently the chief science writer at 

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