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7 Ways To Increase Resting Metabolic Rate And Lose Fat Forever

Welcome to my third and last installment of my 3-part series on resting metabolic rate. Int he previous two installments I explained:

  • Firstly, what resting metabolic rate is. Resting metabolic rate signify the calories you're burning 24/7, independent of your activity level. 
  • Secondly, I...
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Is Metabolic Damage Real? Why Extreme Dieting Slows Metabolism

In my first blog post of this 3-installment series, I talked about the concept of "Resting Metabolic Rate" (RMR) or "basal metabolic rate". In this blog post I'll explore that concept in more detail, specifically how it is affected by (extreme) dieting and even some near-starvation studies.


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What Is Resting Metabolic Rate - An Elusive Fat Loss Secret

My good friend Alex has extensively written about the topic of fat loss in the past. Some of his best blog posts on the topic are the following:

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100%-Free Home Workout Program: Leaner, Stronger, Healthier In Minutes Per Day

I know what you're thinking: "I really love my gym because of the many different machines, dumbells, barbells, and other exercise equipment".

And yes, I'd fully agree! 

Most home gyms don't offer close to the possibilities offered by the average gym. That limitation, however, doesn't...

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Cold Thermogenesis: Incredible Cold Shower And Ice Bath Benefits

Cold showers. Ice packs. Cold therapy. Ice baths. Cold baths. These are all names for what is called "cold thermogenesis".

Cold thermogenesis means exposing your body to cold so that your body must heat itself.

If you're thinking: "are you crazy? Exposing myself to cold...

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SARMs: Everything You Need To Know About Selective Androgen Receptor Modulators

If you've spent some time in bodybuilding circles, or simply done some research online about how to put on size and build strength you have no doubt stumbled upon the word 'SARMS'.

It turns out that SARMS may be the secret sauce behind building the rock-hard, vein-popping physique that...

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What Health Products Alex Fergus Uses & Recommends

I often get asked, what sleeper tracker do I use? What supplements do I recommend? And what biohacking gadgets do I think are best?

These answers are littered throughout my blogs, but many don't have the time or desire to search through this wealth of information.

So I decided to put together...

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Why You Must Have A Greater Purpose To Achieve Your Health Goals

Recently a member of my Hormone Reset Program emailed me. He mentioned that things had being going really well, he'd lose 6kgs, was feeling much better and everything was great...

But then he went on holiday for a few weeks and in that short period he undone 4 months worth of progress.

This got...

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Why A Lack Of Sleep Is Making You Fat

I have written a lot about fat loss, and a lot about sleep in my blog articles. But I have never linked the two in great detail. After responding to one of the countless emails I get each day asking for fat loss advice, I noticed the reader wasn't too keen on my suggestions - sleep more, get some...

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5 Whys: How To Discover The True Reason For Your Health & Fat Loss Goals

A female reader recently contacted me saying "I need to lose 10kgs".
I asked her why she needed to loose 10kgs. She said "So I can get rid of my excess body fat".
I asked why she needed to get rid of the body fat.
Her response - "So I can get into my bikini this summer".
I asked why...
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